Educational content

As part of their mission of information of the public, IRSN and ASN have created educational content to inform citizens about nuclear power and radiation protection.
Information for everyone
The “RADIOACTIVITY – Discover & understand” exhibition aims to provide objective, unbiased and clear information on radioactivity, its uses, its risks, its effects on health and the environment.
This exhibition is intented for all those who wish to learn about radioactivity or develop a culture of radiation protection within the population. The clear explanations, illustrated by infographics, and the debates highlighting the diversity of opinions make it possible to popularize the subject for the understanding of everyone: schools, healthcare facilities, local authorities, Local Information Commissions (CLI), cultural centers, etc.
The exhibition can create entertainment and complement educational projects, for example during the Science Festival or association festivals, during crisis exercises, in schools, town halls, media libraries, Centers for Technical and Industrial Scientific Culture (CCSTI), regional and departmental educational documentation centers.
A customizable content
The exhibition consists of over 80 panels divided into 11 themes and 2 sequences.
You can pick information from all the panels that will meet your needs.