Creation of a joint NUS-SNRSI/IRSN laboratory in Singapore

On May 2, 2024 in Singapore, Professor Liu Bin, Deputy President of the National University of Singapore (NUS), and Jean-Christophe Niel, Director General of IRSN, signed a collaboration agreement to set up a joint laboratory between NUS-Singapore Nuclear Research and Safety Initiative (NUS-SNRSI) and the Institute.
This agreement is the outcome of almost 10 years of exchanges with our Singaporean partner, a leading scientific organization. It will enable us to conduct joint research and develop new scientific knowledge in the fields of radiobiology, radiochemical measurements and reactor safety analysis, particularly related to SMRs. This work will benefit both parties.
The joint NUS-SNRSI/IRSN laboratory will further strengthen scientific cooperation between France and Singapore in the field of nuclear safety.
Jean-Christophe Niel is particularly delighted with the creation of this joint laboratory: “The signing of this collaboration agreement with NUS-SNRSI marks the culmination of 10 years of technical exchanges with our Singaporean partners. This joint laboratory, which will constitute a center of scientific excellence for both IRSN and NUS-SNRSI, will implement various research projects, notably through exchanges of researchers. This will enable us to acquire and share new scientific knowledge on subjects that will be of major importance for decades to come, whether in reactor safety or human and environmental radiation protection and monitoring.”