Launch of the 6th ICRER conference

The 6th ICRER (International Conference on Radioecology & Environmental Radioactivity), jointly organized by IRSN and the Norwegian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Authority (DSA), in collaboration with IUR, IAEA, UNSCEAR, EURADOS, ICRP, AER, JER and SFRP, takes place from November 24 to 29, 2024 at the Palais du Pharo in Marseille.
In addition to the traditional themes of radioecology and environmental radioactivity (assessment of the impact of radionuclides on the environment, understanding and modeling of transfer processes, development of metrology, environmental monitoring, management of materials containing radionuclides of natural origin, waste, etc.), ICRER 2024 will provide an opportunity to address emerging topics such as the use of data sciences and the impact of climate change on radionuclide transfer.
Bringing together scientists, industry players, regulators and experts, the conference will contribute to improving the knowledge, methods and tools needed to protect people and the environment from the effects of radiation.
This year, 5 speakers, invited by the organizing committee, will give plenary lectures:
- Gonéri Le Cozannet (BRGM), will present the main conclusions of the 6th report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
- Hildegarde Vandenhove (IAEA), Deborah Oughton (NMBU), Georg Steinhauser (TU Wien) and Mike Wood (University of Salford) will enrich the program by sharing their perspectives on issues related to radioecology.
Other events will take place alongside the conference. Training courses will be offered, including two led by IRSN:
- “Ecosystem approaches in radioecology” by Rodolphe Gilbin
- “Radiation-induced transgenerational and multigenerational effects in human and non-human biota” by Olivier Armant.
Specific meetings will also be organized, including the “Ring of Five”, moderated by Olivier Masson (IRSN), and a meeting in partnership with the IAEA on radionuclides in marine organisms, attended by Sabine Charmasson (IRSN).
For the first time, a number of companies have sponsored the event. Among them, Algade, Agilent, Bertin Technologies, ESI, HTDS and Triskem will have a dedicated stand to present their activities and exchange with participants. The ECCOREV research federation and the SUD PACA region are also lending their support as sponsors.
Download ICRER 20224 programme