Results of the H2020 Euratom call for projects: a success for IRSN

  • Research


The European Commission (EC) has just published the results of its call for projects of the Horizon 2020 programme for 2018-2019. IRSN is participating in eight of the thirteen new European projects which will be launched during the year.

The recent success of IRSN's H2020 call for projects is part of the IRSN Contract of operational objectives and performance (COP) renewed with the French State until 2023. One of the challenges of this contract is to develop national, European and international partnership initiatives to deploy the scientific strategy and conduct high-quality research to meet the challenges of expertise. It confirms the IRSN position as a major player in research in the field of nuclear safety, radiation protection and environment. This result reflects IRSN dynamism in the proposals made and its contribution to collective actions for research at European level. 

Jean-Christophe Niel, Director general of IRSN, points out that "40% of IRSN budget is dedicated to research to contribute to the improvement of knowledge on nuclear safety and radiation protection and develop the expertise of IRSN with the best scientific knowledge". 

For the first time, IRSN was represented in all technical fields. Some of the key research themes selected include:

In the field of nuclear safety: two projects concerning Generation II and III reactors, R2CA (Reduction of Radiological Consequence in design based Assessment), on the radiological consequences of design accidents and their management strategy led by IRSN, and MUSA (Management and Uncertainties in Severe Accidents), on the improvement of severe accident simulation tools, in which IRSN will be in charge of coordinating the Work Package on the study of innovative mitigation means for accidents in storage pool.

In the field of safety of Generation IV reactors: the SAMOSAFER project (Severe Accident Modeling and Safety Assessment for Fluid Fuel Energy Reactors), led by the University of Delft, with IRSN participation.

In the field of safety of light water modular reactors, IRSN takes part in all technical work packages of the ELSMOR project (towards European Licensing of Small MOdular Reactors), led by the Technical Research Center of Finland (VTT).

It should be noted that the Institute will join the continuation of a project on nuclear data for modeling applications: SANDA follow-up (Supplying Accurate Nuclear Data for energy and non-energy Applications), piloted by CIEMAT (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas, Spain). IRSN is also participating in the SHARE project (StakeHolder-based Analysis of REsearch for decommissioning) on the development of a roadmap for research on the decommissioning of facilities.

In the field of nuclear waste management: the EURAD project (EURopean joint programming on RAdioactive Waste Management and Disposal) on all the technical aspects of deep geological disposal of waste, led by ANDRA.

Finally, in the field of radiation protection, the HARMONIC project (Health effect of cArdiac fluoRoscopy and MOderN radiotherapy In pediatriCs), coordinated by ISGlobal Spain, focuses on the health effects of fluoroscopy (or radioscopy) and new approaches to pediatric cardiac radiotherapy.


More information: IRSN research programs